Monday, August 20, 2012

Last of Summer

"Last of Summer" GreenPrints Autumn Cover 2012

I have been so engrossed in creating sketches for "Animals" that I forgot to post my most recent work for GreenPrints!  This is a cover I did several weeks ago for the Autumn issue.  I enjoyed working on this painting and had a great time creating the indian corn and cabbage fingers.  Both items were the most time consuming but I feel it paid off in the long run.  

The issue has been released and I have started receiving emails from gardeners interested in prints.  I posted a mini print for the budget conscious on my etsy store and will be posting larger sizes in a day or so.  Enjoy the last of summer everyone!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Animals from History - The Beginning

Meet Seymour as Teddy Roosevelt (detail)

123 backers and original goal exceeded I have begun the process of creating "Animals From History"!  The last few weeks I have been taking care of the business end of things.  

Meet Trixie as Florence Nightengale

What's been happening...

•Big Cat Rescue received my donation check of 2600.00 last week!  That's 25% of the proceeds from the kickstarter campaign.
•I have priced out (again) all materials and printing costs.  I have also been researching calendar printing sites.  Once I surpassed my original goal I added a stretch goal that was met.  All pledges of $15.00 or over receive a calendar.

Meet Mr. Phoxhead as Shakespeare

•Planning out the next year.....when due dates for drawings and paintings will be.  When due dates for purchasing and designing.
•Researching ebooks so I know just how to layout the story properly.  This involves and ebook reader I recently purchased.
•Copyrighting via the governement
•Drawing, drawing and more drawing!

The drawings you see are in progress.  I will be continuing to refine them throughout the year.  This way I can be sure that they are cohesive with one another for the final book.

Stay tuned for updates here or visit my kickstarter page.